Thursday, September 27, 2012

Revised Q2 GDP - Business Insider

The third reading on Q2 GDP just came out and the report was ugly.

The headline growth number was revised down to 1.3 percent on an annualized basis.

Economists expected the number to be unchanged at 1.7 percent.

"As we recently noted, you'll need to watch the rear-view mirror to see the recession come into focus," wrote ECRI's Lakshman Achuthan in an email to Business Insider.

"The "third" estimate of the second-quarter percent change in real GDP is 0.4 percentage point, or $16.0 billion, less than the "second" estimate issued last month, primarily reflecting downward revisions to private inventory investment, to personal consumption expenditures, and to exports," wrote the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

The personal consumption component was revised down to 1.5 percent.? Economists were expecting it to be unchanged at 1.7 percent.

From the Bureau of Economic Analysis:

Real gross domestic product -- the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States -- increased at an annual rate of 1.3 percent in the second quarter of 2012 (that is, from the first quarter to the second quarter), according to the "third" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.? In the first quarter, real GDP increased 2.0 percent.

????? The GDP estimate released today is based on more complete source data than were available for the "second" estimate issued last month.? In the second estimate, the increase in real GDP was 1.7 percent (see "Revisions" on page 3).

????? The increase in real GDP in the second quarter primarily reflected positive contributions from personal consumption expenditures (PCE), exports, nonresidential fixed investment, and residential fixed investment that were partly offset by negative contributions from private inventory investment and state and local government spending.? Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, increased.

????? The deceleration in real GDP in the second quarter primarily reflected decelerations in PCE, in nonresidential fixed investment, and in residential fixed investment that were partly offset by smaller decreases in federal government spending and in state and local government spending and an acceleration in exports.

????? Motor vehicle output added 0.20 percentage point to the second-quarter change in real GDP after adding 0.72 percentage point to the first-quarter change.? Final sales of computers subtracted 0.10 percentage point from the second-quarter change in real GDP after adding 0.02 percentage point to the first-quarter change.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Walk your way to financial (and physical) health

Walking is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise, Hamm writes. Best of all: It's free.

By Trent Hamm,?Guest blogger / September 26, 2012

A couple takes a closer look at cherry blossoms during their walk around the Tidal Basin in Washington, in this March 2010 file photo. Going for a walk is a cheap and easy way to get some exercise and save money, Hamm writes.

Jim Young/Reuters/File


All through dating and marriage, Sarah and I have taken pretty regular walks together. We?ll just stroll through the neighborhood we?re living in, looking for interesting things to observe and just talking about life.

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The Simple Dollar is a blog for those of us who need both cents and sense: people fighting debt and bad spending habits while building a financially secure future and still affording a latte or two. Our busy lives are crazy enough without having to compare five hundred mutual funds ? we just want simple ways to manage our finances and save a little money.

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Even now, we still do this, though our walks often involve three children tagging along with us.

These walks are a pretty key component of the success of our marriage. They?re simply valuable in many different respects.

For starters,?they?re free.?It doesn?t cost you a dime to open up your front door and go for a stroll.

For another,?it?s a great way to get some fresh air and low-impact exercise.?You?re outside moving around, which is a great thing, particularly for the many Americans with desk jobs.

The big reason, though, is that?it gives you a great opportunity to have an uninterrupted conversation.

Sarah and I solve our problems during walks together. We talk about the things that concern us and together we work through solutions to the problems.

Sarah and I talk about the things going on in our separate lives. We talk about professional concerns, about things we?ve learned during the day, and about our friendships and connections with relatives.

We plan for the future on our walks. We discuss what our lives will be like in ten years and what we need to do to get there.

Yes, with young children around, we don?t get to walk as often as we?d like. Instead, we?ll have some of these conversations while walking with our children, or we?ll have them after the kids are asleep and we?re sitting together on the deck.

Walking together is free, it provides fresh air and gentle exercise, it gets you out in the community or in nature, and it gives you a powerful opportunity to communicate with your partner. It?s something I?m always happy to do.

This post is part of a yearlong series called ?365 Ways to Live Cheap (Revisited),? in which I?m revisiting the entries from my book ?365 Ways to Live Cheap,? which is available?at Amazon?and at bookstores everywhere.?

The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of the best economy-related bloggers out there. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by the Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own, as is responsibility for the content of their blogs. To contact us about a blogger, click here. To add or view a comment on a guest blog, please go to the blogger's own site by clicking on


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Microfluidic device: Hundreds of biochemical analyses on a single chip

ScienceDaily (Sep. 24, 2012) ? Scientists at Ecole Polytechnique F?d?rale de Lausanne and the University of Geneva have developed a microfluidic device smaller than a domino that can simultaneously measure up to 768 biomolecular interactions.

Inside our cells, molecules are constantly binding and separating from one another. It's this game of constant flux that drives gene expression asides essentially every other biological process.

Understanding the specific details of how these interactions take place is thus crucial to our overall understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of living organisms. There are millions of possible combinations of molecules, however; determining all of them would be a Herculean task. Various tools have been developed to measure the degree of affinity between a strand of DNA and its transcription factor. They provide an indication of the strength of the affinity between them.

"Commercial" devices, however, have one main drawback: many preliminary manipulations are necessary before an experiment can be carried out, and even then, the experiment can only focus on a dozen interactions at a time.

Microns-wide channels

As part of his doctoral research at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Sebastian Maerkl designed a device that he named "MITOMI" -- a small device containing hundreds of microfluidic channels equipped with pneumatic valves. This week Maerkl, who is now an assistant professor in EPFL's Bioengineering Institute, is publishing an article describing the next step in the evolution of the device in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The new version, "k-MITOMI," was developed in the context of the RTD DynamiX in cooperation with the University of Geneva.

This microfluidic device has 768 chambers, each one with a valve that allows DNA and transcription factors to interact in a very carefully controlled manner. "In traditional methods, we generally manage to determine if an interaction takes place or not, and then we restart the experiment with another gene or another transcription factor," Maerkl explains. "Our device goes much further, because it allows us to measure the affinity and kinetics of the interaction."

The strength of the device lies in a sort of "push-button" in its microreactors. A protein substrate is immobilized on the device; above it circulates a solution containing DNA moelcules. The push-button is activated at regular intervals of a few milliseconds, trapping protein-DNA complexes that form on the surface of the device. "Then we close the lid, and fluorescence reveals the exact number of bound molecules," explains Maerkl. "We can also observe how long these molecules remain bound."

In addition to providing quantitative kinetic information, the k-MITOMI device can work in a "massively parallel" manner. Each of the 768 independent chambers can simultaneously analyze different molecule pairs. It can also be used to synthesize proteins in vitro, with a massive reduction in time and number of manipulations compared to the traditional method, which involves producing proteins inside a living organism such as a bacterium, purifying, and putting them in contact with the genes to be studied.

"The number of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions that remain to be characterized is phenomenal. Our device not only allows us to accelerate the acquisition of this information, which is crucial to our understanding of living organisms, but it also meets a need for the production of specific proteins," adds Maerkl.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ecole Polytechnique F?d?rale de Lausanne.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. M. Geertz, D. Shore, S. J. Maerkl. Massively parallel measurements of molecular interaction kinetics on a microfluidic platform. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1206011109

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bonus 'Breaking Dawn' Scene: What Will It Be?

With news of a post-credits scene, 'Twilight' Tuesday shares our predictions and wishes.
By Kara Warner

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in "Breaking Dawn - Part 2"
Photo: Summit


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Eutelsat Communications Concludes Acquisition of GE-23 ...

PARIS, September 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Paris: ETL), one of the world's leading satellite operators, today announced closure of the transaction to acquire the GE-23 satellite, associated customer contracts and orbital rights from GE Capital, having obtained all required regulatory approvals.

The satellite, renamed EUTELSAT 172A, is now part of Eutelsat's fleet, with technical and commercial teams working to ensure a smooth transition for existing customers.

Commenting on the acquisition, Michel de Rosen, CEO of Eutelsat Communications, said, "We are delighted to announce finalisation of this acquisition that?brings three key?assets?to Eutelsat: first, a high-quality satellite?equipped with a flexible payload of C and Ku-band capacity in great demand over the Asia-Pacific region. Secondly, the transaction includes orbital rights at 172? East,?giving us an exceptional?platform to serve?dynamic?markets?in?the region?as well as?headroom for further expansion. Thirdly, we?are?acquiring a?portfolio?of quality customer relationships?that we are excited to serve. This satellite?adds further ballast to?Eutelsat's organic?growth?initiatives, notably?our?EUTELSAT 70B satellite?which is?equipped with a dedicated Asian beam?and?on track for?launch later this year."

Built by Thales Alenia Space, the satellite was launched in December 2005 with expected performance for 15 years. From geostationary orbit at 172? East, it offers unique coverage over the Asia-Pacific region via a payload of 20 Ku-band transponders accessing five interconnecting beams and 18 C-band transponders connected to a trans-Pacific beam. Leveraging its comprehensive coverage and high-bandwidth capability, EUTELSAT 172A already offers a broad range of telecom services to a diverse base of blue chip customers.

About Eutelsat Communications

Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Paris: ETL, ISIN code: FR0010221234) is the holding company of Eutelsat S.A. With capacity commercialised on 29 satellites that provide coverage across Europe, as well as the Middle East, Africa and significant parts of Asia and the Americas, Eutelsat is one of the world's three leading satellite operators. As of 30 June 2012 Eutelsat's satellites were broadcasting more than 4,250 television channels to over 200 million cable and satellite homes in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The Group's satellites also serve a wide range of fixed and mobile telecommunications services, TV contribution markets, corporate networks, and broadband markets for Internet Service Providers and for transport, maritime and in-flight markets. Eutelsat's broadband subsidiary, Skylogic, markets and operates high speed Internet services through teleports in France and Italy that serve consumers, enterprises, local communities, government agencies and aid organisations in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas. Headquartered in Paris, Eutelsat and its subsidiaries employ just over 750 commercial, technical and operational professionals. This culturally diverse staff comprises employees from 30 countries.

SOURCE Eutelsat Communications


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Zombees: First 'zombie' bees found in Washington state

The infection is another threat to?bees?that are needed to pollinate crops.

By Associated Press / September 24, 2012

Mark Hohn, a novice beekeeper in Kent, holds up a plastic bag with a dead zombie bee and pupae ? two at each end of the bag, Sept. 22. Hohn found that his bees are infected with a parasite that causes them to fly at night and lurch around erratically until they die.

Ellen M. Banner/he Seattle Times/AP


The infection is as grim as it sounds: "Zombie?bees" have a parasite that causes them to fly at night and lurch around erratically until they die.

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And experts say the condition has crept into Washington state.

"I joke with my kids that the zombie apocalypse is starting at my house," said Mark Hohn, a novice beekeeper who spotted the infected insects at his suburban Seattle home.

Hohn returned from vacation a few weeks ago to find many of his?bees?either dead or flying in jerky patterns and then flopping on the floor.

He remembered hearing about zombie?bees, so he collected several of the corpses and popped them into a plastic bag. About a week later, the Kent man had evidence his?bees?were infected: the pupae of parasitic flies.

"Curiosity got the better of me," Hohn said.

The zombie?bees?were the first to be confirmed in Washington state, The Seattle Times reported.

San Francisco State University biologist John Hafernik first discovered zombie?bees?in California in 2008.

Hafernik now uses a website to recruit citizen scientists like Hohn to track the infection across the country. Observers also have found zombie?bees?in Oregon and South Dakota.

The infection is another threat to?bees?that are needed to pollinate crops. Hives have been failing in recent years due to a mysterious ailment called colony collapse disorder, in which all the adult honey?bees?in a colony suddenly die.

The life cycle of the fly that infects zombie?bees?is reminiscent of the movie "Alien," the newspaper reported. A small adult female lands on the back of a honeybee and injects eggs into the?bee's?abdomen. The eggs hatch into maggots.

"They basically eat the insides out of the?bee," Hafernik said.

After consuming their host, the maggots pupate, forming a hard outer shell that looks like a fat, brown grain of rice. That's what Hohn found in the plastic bag with the dead?bees. Adult flies emerge in three to four weeks.

There's no evidence yet that the parasitic fly is a major player in the?bees' decline, but it does seem the pest is targeting new hosts, said Steve Sheppard, chairman of the entomology department at Washington State University.

"It may occur a lot more widely than we think," he said.

That's what Hafernik hopes to find out with his website, The site offers simple instructions for collecting suspect?bees, watching for signs of parasites and reporting the results.

Once more people start looking, the number of sightings will probably climb, Hohn said.


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Home And Garden Made Easy ? Suggestions And Tricks! | In The ...

It is not uncommon for people to have home improvement dreams. However as we are all aware, the one thing that comes up the most is cost and expertise. In any case, quite a few dilemmas can be taken care of with just a small amount of studying and inventiveness. Think about what is possible on a smaller scale; you do not have to remodel an entire room.

Just checking out your home, with the thought of improving upon safety can bring about many ideas. Furthermore, there are a number of ways in which your home can be improved with smaller projects. You can increase your options greatly, if you are up to learning new things.

Most two story homes will have a standard type of railing on the stairways. The ones with the quaint metal railings are not really very attractive. This scheme will entail changing out those boring railings with some with pizzazz. All you need to dodo is research online for wooden stair rails, and you will see why we suggest this project. The different types of wood these railings are made of are endless. Plus, the designs will be far more appealing than the default designs in your home. After viewing what is available, the old style railings will not look suitable any longer. Installing these covers is only the first step of your home improvement renovations; in fact, there are several projects you can start right away. Trimming out your throughways that lead to different rooms, and also the open doorways, is another project. This kind of home improvement idea really is a nice one, and once again this will not set you back much at all. Adding a wood trim to these areas is a great way to improve the way that it looks. Once you install this kind of trim, then you can even change the trimming at the base of your walls. All you need to do is securely nail into the walls and you will be done this very economical and easy to do project.

When you come home to a dark house, it is sometimes beneficial to have the ability to see what is happening around you once you arrive. People that go out at night tend to leave their lights off. If your house is dark regularly, it might be a noticeable pattern that you want to break. One way around this, and to solve your problem with lighting, is to add timers that turn on at predetermined intervals. All you need to do is plug these devices into a wall socket. They are also very economical to purchase. As you can quickly see, your lights will be on and that can serve as a deterrent. You can protect your home in many ways utilizing easy security upgrades at any time. By going on the Internet, you will be able to find the security system that you need.

Truth be told, we are partial to the home improvement idea of installing an eating bar, as this will make the area more open and seem more spacious. You may have deemed this sort of task as enormous and challenging, yet after reading this article, you should see that there is not much to it. This is always the way it appears, things throughout the home are inclined to sound complex. Making things easier for you begins with learning and gaining some confidence.

Teds Woodworking

These days some of the most favored do-it-yourself plans include different woodworking tasks and lots of men and women are on the lookout for wood working plans and projects on the internet.
If you are one of these people and you really want to make your tasks much easier and needless to say more pleasurable then have a look at this page on Teds Woodworking and understand how to find a huge number of great designs and plans for your projects.

You will also find more on tips on home improvement projects at this post.


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Video: Romney trailing in nearly every swing state (cbsnews)

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Discus Fish Disease: How to cure Them | My Handy Infos

Pet owners need to comprehend types of discus fish disease in order for them to be able to be aware of the signs or symptoms and also get assistance immediately just before anything gets worse. Remember that discus fish are costly pets you would not desire your investment to simply die. Aside from that, they?re extremely active pets and you may easily get attached to them. As a pet owner, you would want the best care for them.

Prevention is better than cure. Discus fish disease as soon as this hits is extremely tough to treat. There isn?t much study about how human beings can help them, which is why owners need to make certain to provide them the best living conditions saving them from getting virtually any discus fish disease.

One of the typical discus fish diseases is what we call hole in the head. The signs and symptoms involve a little pinhole size development that can be observed on the head near the eyes and the mouth region. It is said to be caused by a protozoan infection and when left unattended immediately it might lead them to die. Cure it using a soluble antibiotic that may be seen in pet shops. Mix it in the water and make sure the water temperature is at 32 degree Celsius. Keep the water aerated before placing the medicine in order for it to be effective. Assume 3 days for it to get solved.

Another kind of discus fish disease could be the gill flu. This is harder to resolve because the disease could ruin the immune system of the fish, which will make it harder to stop the problem considering that the fish won?t respond to treatment right away. The discus fish will have difficult time breathing and then can collapse on the surface of the water disabling them from going swimming and the fish can turn into a dark pale color. Recommendations of using formalin and potassium permanganate coupled with fluke tabs are seen to be the cure. Use it on interval in the span Four weeks and ensure that there are no larvae which will remain in the water to avoid this from occurring once again.

To avoid this from happening, ensure that the fish tank has excellent filtration and that the water is free from germs. Aside from that, provide them with clean foods that are safe and also to give them vitamins. Keep these in mind and you can help prevent discus fish disease.

Discus fish disease pictures can help you recognize the issues. Additional information can be found at


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hudson firefighters join movement to promote breast cancer ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]HUDSON ? Firefighters in Hudson are again embracing the breast cancer awareness slogan ?real men.


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Rihanna teases her seventh album on Twitter

September 23, 2012 15:35

Singer's new single 'Diamonds' is set to premiere on US radio on Wednesday (September 26)

Photo: PA

Rihanna has teased clues to her seventh album by posting a link to her new website on Twitter last night (September 22)

The 'Talk That Talk' singer, whose new single 'Diamonds' is set to premiere on US radio on Wednesday, directed her fans to the new website in a series of tweets.

Rihanna also posted a picture from her official Instagram of the letter 'R', which has been formed with lyrics from potential songs and quotes about her life. Incidentally, the same picture is the holding page for the new website, above the words "coming soon".

Meanwhile, the singer has described her new single 'Diamonds', which will be premiered on the Elvis Duran and The Morning Show on Wednesday, as being a "happy and hippy record".

She told US radio presenter Elvis Duran during her visit to the iHeartRadio music festival yesterday that the new single was "laid-back " and "hopeful", adding: "It gives me such a great feeling when I listen to it. The lyrics are very hopeful and positive, but it's about love and the gears are a little different from what people would expect. I'm excited to surprise them sonically."

The news about Rihanna's seventh studio album was accidently leaked by her label Def Jam's French wing earlier this month. The label had to hastily delete their tweet breaking news of the record and issue a statement saying news on the album would be release later.


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Tunisia president's former aide gets suspended jail sentence

TUNIS (Reuters) - A Tunisian military court handed down a suspended prison sentence to President Moncef Marzouki's former aide who criticised the army's role, in a case that may raise concerns about freedoms in the birthplace of the Arab Spring revolts.

Ayoub Massoudi publicly accused the head of the army Rachid Ammar in August of throwing his weight behind the Islamist-led government's decision to extradite Muammar Gaddafi's prime minister Baghadi al-Mahmoudi to Libya in June.

A military court in Tunis gave Massoudi a four-month suspended jail sentence for "insulting the army and hurting the military establishment's image". However, it lifted a travel ban imposed when he was charged in August.

The extradition of Libya's Mahmoudi sparked a political row in Tunisia.

President Marzouki, a veteran human rights and secular activist, said he had not been consulted and withheld his permission for months over concerns the Libyan official might not receive a fair trial.

His aide, Massoudi, resigned two days after the extradition. He told Reuters the case against him was political but said the verdict would not muzzle him.

"It (verdict) seeks to confirm the military institution as scared and exempt from criticism," he said.

The case comes at a sensitive time for Tunisian politics, which are already marred by disputes over a new constitution and protests by Tunisians eager to see authorities fulfill the promise of their revolution.

Secular opposition parties have accused the government, led by the Islamic Ennahda Movement, of muzzling free speech, a charge it dismisses.


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Saturday, September 22, 2012

The iPhone 5 scene at Apple?s retail stores

Apple Store employees in Berkeley, Calif., walk the line before the iPhone 5 release. (Photo: Liviu Oprescu)

The rest is here: The iPhone 5 scene at Apple?s retail stores

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News Summary: Fed may provide more help


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Mauled NY man: I wanted to be one with the tiger

This Friday, Sept. 21, 2012 image from video provided by WABC shows authorities investigating the scene where a man was mauled by a tiger at the Bronx Zoo in New York. NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said Saturday that 25-year-old David Villalobos told investigators that he deliberately leaped into a zoo exhibit because he wanted to "be one with the tiger." Police say they plan to arrest Villalobos, who remained hospitalized in stable condition Saturday after the 400-pound cat bit him in the back. He also suffered broken bones in the jump Friday from an elevated train that circles the exhibit. (AP Photo/WABC-TV)

This Friday, Sept. 21, 2012 image from video provided by WABC shows authorities investigating the scene where a man was mauled by a tiger at the Bronx Zoo in New York. NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said Saturday that 25-year-old David Villalobos told investigators that he deliberately leaped into a zoo exhibit because he wanted to "be one with the tiger." Police say they plan to arrest Villalobos, who remained hospitalized in stable condition Saturday after the 400-pound cat bit him in the back. He also suffered broken bones in the jump Friday from an elevated train that circles the exhibit. (AP Photo/WABC-TV)

This Friday, Sept. 21, 2012 image from video provided by WABC shows authorities investigating the scene where a man was mauled by a tiger at the Bronx Zoo in New York. NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said Saturday that 25-year-old David Villalobos told investigators that he deliberately leaped into a zoo exhibit because he wanted to "be one with the tiger." Police say they plan to arrest Villalobos, who remained hospitalized in stable condition Saturday after the 400-pound cat bit him in the back. He also suffered broken bones in the jump Friday from an elevated train that circles the exhibit. (AP Photo/WABC-TV)

Bronx Zoo Director Jim Breheny speaks to the media during a news conference, Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, in New York. A visitor to the zoo was mauled by a tiger after he leaped from an elevated monorail train and plummeted over a fence into an exhibit, police and zoo officials said. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

The ticket booths are empty and the gates are chained shut at an entrance to the Bronx Zoo in New York, Friday, Sept. 21, 2012. Zoo officials say a visitor who leaped into an exhibit and was mauled by a tiger was alone with the 400-pound beast for about 10 minutes before being rescued. (AP Photo/Jim Fitzgerlad)

FILE- In this Sept. 20, 2010 photo provided by the Wildlife Conservation Society, three Amur tiger cubs rest by a fallen tree limb at the Tiger Mountain exhibit at the Bronx Zoo in New York. New York police say a man on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, climbed into an exhibit at the Bronx Zoo and has been mauled by a tiger and lost a leg. (AP Photo/WCS, Julie Larsen Maher, File)

(AP) ? Before his now-infamous tangle with a Bronx Zoo tiger, David Villalobos adorned his Facebook page with New Age odes to Mother Earth and affirmations like, "Be love and fearless."

Police said Saturday that Villalobos had told detectives that it was without fear that he leaped from an elevated train into the animal's den. His reason, they said, was that "he wanted to be one with the tiger."

Villalobos also recounted how, after he landed on all fours, the 400-pound beast attacked him and dragged around by his foot, said New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne. Despite serious injuries, he claimed he was able to get his wish and pet the tiger ? a male Siberian named Bashuta ? before his rescue, the spokesman added.

Based on those admissions and a complaint from the zoo, police were planning to arrest the hospitalized Villalobos on trespassing charges, Browne said. It was unclear when that would happen or if the 25-year-old real estate agent had an attorney; attempts to reach relatives on Saturday were unsuccessful.

Villalobos' big-cat exploits Friday afternoon were an instant tabloid sensation: A front page New York Post story on Saturday was headlined "MAULED!" The Daily News countered with "ZOO-ICIDE," speculating a death wish.

Police had said earlier that Villalobos admitted to a police officer at the scene that he made a conscious decision to jump ? "Everyone has a reason for what they do in life," he was quoted as saying ? but that his motives were murky and an arrest uncertain.

That changed when, during a follow-up interview Saturday, Villalobos told detectives that "his leap was definitely not a suicide attempt, but a desire to be one with the tiger," Browne said.

Villalobos remained hospitalized with bites and punctures on his arms, legs, shoulders and back, and a broken arm and a leg caused by the jump.

The Wild Asia exhibit that's home to the tiger was operating as usual on Saturday, zoo officials said, declining to comment further.

Villalobos' Facebook page makes clear his infatuation with wildlife. One of several postings from Thursday was a photo of a tiger licking a cub, and the comment, "Nice." Another was of a black jaguar.

An earlier post displayed a promo for a movie called "Facing Animals," a Dutch documentary about "the complex and often bizarre relationship between man and animal."

His comment: "This looks fascinating."

Villalobos' own bizarre encounter began with a ride on the elevated train that takes unrestrained visitors over the Bronx River and through a forest, where they glide along the top edge of a fence past elephants, deer and a tiger enclosure. He and a date had taken in the same sights from the monorail during a visit to the zoo about two weeks ago, police said Saturday.

This time without warning, Villalobos apparently jumped out of his train car and cleared the 16-foot-high perimeter fence. He was alone with Bashuta for about 10 minutes before he was rescued by zoo officials, who used a fire extinguisher to chase the animal away.

The zookeepers instructed to roll under an electrified wire to get to safety, Breheny said. They then called the tiger into a holding area.

The Bronx Zoo, one of the nation's largest zoos, sprawls over 265 acres and contains hundreds of animals, many in habitats meant to resemble natural settings. Its exhibits include Tiger Mountain, Congo Gorilla Forest and World of Reptiles.

There are 10 tigers at the Wild Asia exhibit, but the 11-year-old Bashuta was the only one on display at the time. Zoo officials said he would remain in the rotation.

"When someone is determined to do something harmful to themselves, it's very hard to stop that," said zoo director Jim Breheny. "The tiger did nothing wrong."

Associated Press


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Friday, September 21, 2012

'Military friendly' colleges list cuts through 'noise'

By Bill Briggs, NBC News contributor

The fourth annual list of ?military friendly? colleges ? published this week by a veteran-owned company ? is as fascinating to peruse to see which schools earn that title as it is for noting which universities are absent.

Using a weighted scoring system and reviews penned by veteran-students ? then independently audited by accounting giant Ernst & Young ? the 2013 ?G.I. Jobs? list includes 1,700 American colleges.

That means about 10,000 schools currently authorized by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to accept GI Bill money failed to make the cut.

?Some people are of the opinion that ?VA approval? for colleges is a measure of military friendliness. But I would point to the math, from 12,000 schools with VA approval to our 1,700, and assert that we?re able to provide value by offering a list of the schools that have the best leading practices,? said Sean Collins, vice president of Victory Media, publisher of the list.

?The is a premier subset,? added Collins, a U.S. Navy veteran. ?We are the answer to the question: ?What is military friendly??"

In fact, Victory Media even trademarked the term ?military friendly.? Owning the phrase is wise ? and perhaps necessary ? when numerous universities are stamping themselves ?military friendly? in the chase for money from the freshly improved Post-9/11 G.I. Bill ? about $9 billion this year to help some 600,000 veterans work toward degrees.

?Unfortunately, whenever government benefits are entered into any market, you get people that move in and try to be opportunistic,? Collins said. ?So we want to make sure we are differentiated from anyone who?s new in this space and make sure our resources are world class.?

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Victory Media, which calls its list America?s most stringent and transparent inventory of schools catering to veterans, grades the universities?on nine criteria, including ?military support on campus,? ?academic credibility? and the portion of military students enrolled.

Those criteria are assessed through a survey the company makes available to all of the 12,000 VA-approved colleges. This year, about half of those schools opted to complete and send back the free questionnaires, Collins said. And from that group of about 6,000, Victory Media used its assessment methodology to hone its list down to 15 percent of all the VA-approved institutions.

?We keep the threshold at 15 percent because we feel that?s enough schools to give people freedom of choice but also an elite tier,? Collins said.??So if you?re on our ship, you?ve been evaluated by us ? and found worthy by a third-party entity,? he added. ?If you?re not, I think that says something as well ...?There also are bad actors and schools that (sell themselves as veteran-friendly but) return less than the desired return on investment.

"These 1,700 schools raised their hand and committed time and resources necessary for filling out survey. They are stepping forward and participating in our process because they want to be measured and differentiated from what I will call the noise."

The publishers purposely opted not to rank the 1,700 colleges because, Collins said, picking a higher-ed school is an individual choice and should be based on an array of unique factors, such as: does the school offer night classes, weekend sessions, or in-state tuition breaks for veterans? (The online list can be sorted and then personalized).?

Schools that made the list
Who made it for 2013? NBC News randomly checked four major college conferences to analyze which schools earned the ?military friendly? designation.

In the Southeastern Conference, 13 schools are included ? all but Vanderbilt University.

In the Pac-12 Conference, every member earned a spot, although at Stanford University, only that school?s Center for Professional Development is mentioned.

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In the Big Ten Conference, 11 universities are on the list; Northwestern University is not.

In the Ivy League, Columbia and Dartmouth made the cut; at Cornell, only the graduate school of management is mentioned; Brown, Harvard, Yale, Penn and Princeton didn?t rate inclusion.

But the publishers acknowledged that data-driven lists alone are somewhat soulless. Victory Media solicits personal reviews from veteran students and incorporates those intimate analyses into its report. (This year, there are about 3,000 student surveys for prospective students to read).

?They?re the exact subset of the student population that service members are looking for,? Collins said. ?They give an actual boots-on-the-ground perspective. Nothing touches a personal recommendation.?

One veteran's experience
Air Force veteran Erik Thompson, 34, enrolled last year in the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh after checking out all of the research done by Collins and his colleagues.

?When I decided to return to business school the very first thing I did was visit the G.I. Jobs Military Friendly School list,? said Thompson, who served in Iraq and three other countries. ?One of the great things about the site is it allows you to not only access the list, but many schools have students who have created profiles where they talk about their experience as a veteran attending a particular MBA school.

?Having been out of the military for close to six years, the thing I miss the most is the camaraderie,? Thompson said. ?Going through basic training, military-career training, deployments, and living all over the world level-sets all military members.?No matter where you are from - or your race, religion, or sex - military members all have something in common.?The Tepper School of Business does a tremendous job in replicating this camaraderie.?

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Last of 33,000 U.S. surge troops leave Afghanistan

The last of the 33,000 American surge troops sent to Afghanistan two years ago have left the battlefields of Afghanistan, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said.

With the departure of the last of the surge troops, there are now 68,000 American troops in Afghanistan.

Two years ago, President Obama announced a surge of troops to Afghanistan to help increase security amid the threat of Taliban insurgents. In announcing the deployment of 33,000 additional troops, President Obama said the surge would be temporary.

A phased withdrawal plan was developed where 10,000 troops would leave Afghanistan by July 2011 and the remaining 23,000 would leave Afghanistan by the end of September 2012.

Panetta, traveling in New Zealand on Thursday, released a statement announcing an end to the surge.

"As we reflect on this moment, it is an opportunity to recognize that the surge accomplished its objectives of reversing Taliban momentum on the battlefield, and dramatically increased the size and capability of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF)," Panetta's statement said. "This growth has allowed us and our ISAF Coalition partners to begin the process of transition to Afghan security lead, which will soon extend across every province and more than 75 percent of the Afghan population. At the same time, we have struck enormous blows against al Qaeda's leadership, consistent with our core goal of disrupting, dismantling and defeating al Qaeda and denying it a safe-haven."

NATO has agreed that all of its combat troops would leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

"It is important to underscore that even as our surge troops return home, there are roughly 68,000 Americans who remain in a tough fight in Afghanistan, alongside their NATO and Afghan partners," Panetta said. "We are a nation at war. But the international community is also strongly united behind our shared strategy to transition to Afghan security control, which will be completed by the end of 2014."

A U.S. official confirmed the withdrawal of the surge troops prior to Panetta's announcement.

The benchmark of 68,000 troops in Afghanistan reached earlier today was a development that had been anticipated for several days.

Just days ago, Pentagon figures showed there were 70,000 American troops in Afghanistan.

On Wednesday, Australian Brig. Gen. Roger Noble, the deputy operations chief for NATO in Afghanistan, refused to pinpoint for Pentagon reporters when exactly the "surge recovery" would be completed.

Noble said "not many more" surge troops remained to leave Afghanistan and that the goal of reaching 68,000 by Oct. 1 was "very, very close." He added that the timing was "very dependent on strategic lift, weather - and they change daily by sort of hundreds, if you know what I mean. "

Noble was referring to the last remaining troops that were still awaiting their flights out of Afghanistan, U.S. officials said.

There has also been a significant reduction in military equipment that matches the reduction in troops. Lt. Gen. John Terry, the commander of ISAF Joint Command, told Pentagon reporters that half of the 60,000 pieces of rolling stock and another 30,000 containers had already been shipped out of Afghanistan.

Many of the surge troops were sent to southern Afghanistan to fight the Taliban in its strongholds. As troops pushed into areas long controlled by the Taliban, the number of U.S. and NATO casualties began to rise.

Fifty-seven percent of the almost-2,000 U.S. fatalities in Afghanistan have occurred since the surge began in January 2010.

Gen. John Allen, the top NATO commander in Afghanistan, has said that in mid-November he will make a recommendation for how many more U.S. troops should leave Afghanistan in 2013.

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Matthew Broderick to appear on 'Modern Family'

By Shawna Malcom, E! Online

Simon Russell / Getty Images

"Modern Family" is adding a little star power to its new season.

Tony winner (and Sarah Jessica Parker's hubby) Matthew Broderick will guest star in an upcoming episode of ABC's Emmy-winning comedy. According to the network, the actor will play "a neurotic new friend" of Phil's (Ty Burrell). No word yet on the character's name, though presumably it's not Bueller.

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Broderick isn't the only member of his family to be making a TV splash. Next week, his wife begins a recurring stint on Fox's "Glee," playing a mentor to new intern Kurt (Chris Colfer).

Modern Family returns to ABC on Sept. 26.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lohan charged with leaving scene of NYC accident

In this May 9, 2012 photo shows actress Lindsay Lohan at the A&E Networks 2012 Upfront at Lincoln Center in New York. Lohan will star as Elizabeth Taylor in the upcoming Lifetime TV movie "Liz & Dick." Lohan was arrested in New York early Wednesday on charges that she clipped a pedestrian with her car and did not stop, police said. The 26-year-old actress was arrested at 2:25 a.m. as she left a nightclub at the Dream Hotel on 16th Street in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, police said. They said no alcohol was involved. Lohan was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and causing injury. She was given a ticket and will have to appear in court at a later date. (AP Photo/Starpix, Kristina Bumphrey, file)

In this May 9, 2012 photo shows actress Lindsay Lohan at the A&E Networks 2012 Upfront at Lincoln Center in New York. Lohan will star as Elizabeth Taylor in the upcoming Lifetime TV movie "Liz & Dick." Lohan was arrested in New York early Wednesday on charges that she clipped a pedestrian with her car and did not stop, police said. The 26-year-old actress was arrested at 2:25 a.m. as she left a nightclub at the Dream Hotel on 16th Street in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, police said. They said no alcohol was involved. Lohan was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and causing injury. She was given a ticket and will have to appear in court at a later date. (AP Photo/Starpix, Kristina Bumphrey, file)

People walk in front of a driveway on the side of the Dream Hotel in New York, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. Lindsay Lohan was arrested in New York early Wednesday on charges that she clipped a pedestrian with her car and did not stop, police said. The 26-year-old actress was arrested at 2:25 a.m. as she left a nightclub at the Dream Hotel on 16th Street in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, police said. They said no alcohol was involved. Lohan was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and causing injury. She was given a ticket and will have to appear in court at a later date. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

A man stands in front of the Dream Hotel in New York, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. Lindsay Lohan was arrested in New York early Wednesday on charges that she clipped a pedestrian with her car and did not stop, police said. The 26-year-old actress was arrested at 2:25 a.m. as she left a nightclub at the Dream Hotel on 16th Street in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, police said. They said no alcohol was involved. Lohan was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and causing injury. She was given a ticket and will have to appear in court at a later date. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

A camera man films in front of the Dream Hotel in New York, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. Lindsay Lohan was arrested in New York early Wednesday on charges that she clipped a pedestrian with her car and did not stop, police said. The 26-year-old actress was arrested at 2:25 a.m. as she left a nightclub at the Dream Hotel on 16th Street in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, police said. They said no alcohol was involved. Lohan was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and causing injury. She was given a ticket and will have to appear in court at a later date. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

FILE - In a Saturday, April 28, 2012 file photo, Lindsay Lohan attends the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner in Washington. Police say Lohan was arrested at 2:25 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in New York City on charges that she clipped a pedestrian with her car and did not stop. Police say no alcohol was involved. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari, File)

NEW YORK (AP) ? Lindsay Lohan was arrested in New York early Wednesday on charges that she clipped a pedestrian with her car and did not stop driving, but her publicist said he expects the allegations to be proven false.

The 26-year-old actress was arrested at 2:25 a.m. as she left a nightclub at the Dream Hotel in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, police said. They said no alcohol was involved.

Lohan was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and causing injury. She was given a ticket and scheduled to appear in court on Oct. 23.

Police said Lohan was slowly driving a black Porsche through an alley between the Dream Hotel and the Maritime Hotel on 16th Street when the accident occurred. The victim called 911. He was treated at a hospital for a knee injury and released.

"We are confident this matter will be cleared up in the coming weeks and the claims being made against Lindsay will be proven untrue," Lohan's publicist Steve Honig wrote in an email. He wrote the incident appeared to be "much ado about nothing."

It was the latest car accident involving Lohan.

On June 8, Lohan was involved in a crash in California that sent her and her assistant to a hospital. They were on their way to a shoot for the film "Liz and Dick" when Lohan's Porsche collided with a dump truck on the Pacific Coast Highway. Neither was seriously injured and Lohan resumed shooting later in the day.

The accident remains under investigation; police have said they are trying to determine who was driving.

The actress, best known for roles in "Freaky Friday" and "Mean Girls," was cleared in May of allegations that she struck a Hollywood nightclub manager with her car. Los Angeles prosecutors refused to file charges, stating there was no evidence an accident occurred and citing doubts about the manager's credibility.

Lohan remains on informal probation for taking a necklace last year from a jewelry store without permission. She completed a strict counseling and morgue cleanup duty program implemented by a judge. She is not required to check in with a judge or probation officer, but she could face a jail term if she is re-arrested.

Lohan recently filmed "The Canyons," a film by "Less Than Zero" author Bret Easton Ellis. "The Canyons" has Lohan playing opposite James Deen, who is best known as an adult film star with thousands of movies to his credit.


AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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IT Network Upgrade Choices: Consider the Cloud, by Dan Saxby, Vice

In the IT world there are no cookie cutter solutions when it comes to deciding how best to access, store and secure your organization?s data.? With continual technology advancements in cloud computing, there are multiple avenues to ensure the uptime performance and the security of your organization?s proprietary data.? Just a few short years ago, your only option was to upgrade your existing on-site IT network every 4 to 7 years.

Today?s private cloud networks offer small businesses, non-profits and schools the ability for predictability of expenses and reduced technology headaches by simply purchasing the right capacity from a reliable datacenter.? This scalability benefit allows companies to either gear up or down based on economic conditions.

The internet has made computing into a utility with all the associated benefits.? As outlined in Nicholas Carr?s book, The Big Switch, before Thomas Edison and public electric companies, businesses, especially manufacturing companies, had to generate their own power.? This is not unlike the way companies have to produce their own computing power.? Now, powered by connectivity of the World Wide Web, companies can easily utilize outside hardware and software assets.? This new business model of hosting your data on other?s computer assets means built-in reliability and redundancy.?

At a recent Goering Center Educational Forum entitled, ?The Benefits of Cloud Computing?, panel members comprised of Cincinnati business executive universally stated that their sole regret as it related to their own cloud computing initiatives was that they didn?t act earlier.

Before completely jumping headfirst into the cloud, companies must consider the following questions:

  • Are there requirements from the developer, customer or government agency to house certain software applications on a dedicated, on-premise server?
  • Do we have a robust, reliable internet connection going to and from our location to where our data is stored?
  • Are our data files too large to continually send over the internet to enable our employees to work on them?
  • What is the negative impact on our business if we lose internet connection?

Executives and IT professionals must consider these and other factors when determining if they continue to physically house their IT network appliances or utilize an existing computing power owned by a third party provider. ??Of course, this decision isn?t an absolute one between on-premise solutions and the cloud.? Companies, non-profits and schools are choosing to take certain elements off-site, while keeping the majority of their computing processing abilities at their office.?

One such choice is sending the company email to Microsoft?s cloud through Office 365 Exchange.? For a monthly fee of $4 or $6 per user, companies can offload high volume data function from their current IT network infrastructure.? On the disaster recovery and backup side of the IT equation, and in order to mitigate risk, companies are replicating data on hardware assets they own at a distant datacenter from their primary facility, linked by a stout internet connection.

As organizations have more options, it is imperative that the appropriate IT network solutions are implemented.? Technology investments must support the business strategies and increase office productivity.? Start by creating a technology roadmap based on your current need and where your organization will be in the future, then determine how your organization should leverage the cloud today and down the road.


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McIlroy looking for a big finish

Rory McIlroy, of Northern Ireland, speaks during a news conference to discuss the Tour Championship golf tournament in Atlanta on Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. The tournament begins Thursday. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Rory McIlroy, of Northern Ireland, speaks during a news conference to discuss the Tour Championship golf tournament in Atlanta on Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. The tournament begins Thursday. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Tiger Woods walks out to the course to take practice at the Tour Championship golf tournament Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Atlanta. The tournament begins Thursday. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Rory McIlroy, of Northern Ireland, hits from a fairway during a practice round at the Tour Championship golf tournament Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Atlanta. The tournament begins Thursday. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Tiger Woods takes a practice shot for the Tour Championship golf tournament Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Atlanta. The tournament begins Thursday. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Tiger Woods takes a practice shot for the Tour Championship golf tournament Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Atlanta. The tournament begins Thursday. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

(AP) ? Rory McIlroy sounds like he's ready to turn his PGA Tour season into a script.

The opening chapter set the tone for a great year. He played three rounds in Abu Dhabi with Tiger Woods and held his own, and then held off Woods in the Honda Classic to win the tournament and go to No. 1 in the world. The middle section was the struggle, when he blew up on the weekend at the Masters, lost in a playoff at Quail Hollow and then missed the cut four times in five tournaments, including a major.

"And then finished it off really well," McIlroy said Wednesday at the Tour Championship.

The final chapter began with his eight-shot victory at the PGA Championship ? the second straight year he has won a major by that margin ? and led to consecutive wins in FedEx Cup playoff events in Boston and Indianapolis. It was the first time a player has won two straight tournaments with Woods in the field since Phil Mickelson captured the Tour Championship and HSBC Champions in 2009.

The script is almost complete, and McIlroy is starting with an empty page.

Even though the 23-year-old from Northern Ireland is No. 1 in the FedEx Cup, No. 1 in the world ranking and No. 1 on the PGA Tour money list ? all of them by wide margins ? he is not assured of claiming the FedEx Cup title unless he wins the Tour Championship.

It starts Thursday at East Lake, and the points have been reset so that everyone in the 30-man field has a mathematical chance to win the $10 million bonus, with the better odds going to the higher seeds. The top five in the FedEx Cup ? McIlroy, Woods, Nick Watney, Mickelson and Brandt Snedeker ? only have to win the Tour Championship to be the FedEx Cup champion. Just about everyone else would have to win and get some help.

"It obviously still makes it exciting going into the last event," McIlroy said. "It would be nice to have it wrapped up, but it's just the way it is. I'm not going to complain about it or I'm not going to moan about it. I accept it. I accept that I still have a lot of work to do this week, and that's what I'm focused on."

Woods knows the feeling.

He was shocked to learn in 2009, when he played the opening playoff event at The Barclays for the first time, that he could win the first three playoff events and be the runner-up at the Tour Championship and still not win the FedEx Cup.

He compared that with the New England Patriots going 18-0 and losing in the Super Bowl to the New York Giants.

It all starts to unfold on Thursday, when Woods and McIlroy are in the final pairing because of their No. 1 and No. 2 seeding in the FedEx Cup. It will be the fifth time they have played together since the playoffs began.

They are so closely linked now that even Greg Norman weighed in.

"What I'm seeing is that Tiger's really intimidated by Rory," Norman said in an interview with "When have you ever seen him intimidated by another player? Never."

That brought a peculiar one-liner from Woods, and laughter from McIlroy.

Woods and Norman have never had much of a relationship, and Woods wasn't about to get wrapped up in an exchange of words Wednesday. Asked if he had seen Norman's comments, he replied, "It's got to be the hair, yeah."

McIlroy knows that Woods saw the Norman comments, because Woods gave the kid another nickname.

"He calls me 'The Intimidator,' McIlroy said, stifling a laugh. "No, how can I intimidate Tiger Woods? The guy's got 75 or 70 whatever PGA Tour wins, 14 majors. He's been the biggest thing ever in our sport. I mean, how can some little 23-year-old from Northern Ireland with a few wins come up and intimidate him? It's just not possible. I don't know where he got that from, but it's not true."

The only time Woods ever felt intimidated on the golf course was when he was 11. It was a story he told a decade ago about competing against a 12-year-old in a junior tournament when the older boy drove the green on a 290-yard hole. Woods still wound up winning.

On this day, either tired or annoyed by Norman's comments, Woods gave an elementary response to this intimidation factor.

"This is a different kind of sport," Woods said. "We go out there and we play our own game. And see where it falls at the end of the day. As I said, it's not like you go over the middle and some guy 255 pounds is going to take your head off. This is about execution and going about your own business and seeing where it ends up at the end of the day. It's just the nature of our sport, which is different than some sports."

But if there's a 255-pound linebacker in golf at the moment, it's a freckled-face Boy Wonder who is on a roll that brings natural comparisons with Woods.

McIlroy has an average score of 68.1 in his last five tournaments, which dates to the Bridgestone Invitational where some swagger returned to his game. His confidence has never been higher. He showed up at Crooked Stick expecting to win the BMW Championship, and that's what he did.

Now he has to avoid falling into the trap of being overconfident, a nice problem to have.

McIlroy is playing East Lake for the first time, a rugged test that puts a premium on fairways and greens. Lately, he's been doing just about everything right.

"The way I've played since Firestone, it obviously gives you a lot of confidence," McIlroy said. "But I think you have to guard against being overconfident, as well. You have to still go in and work hard. You've 30 players in this field, 30 of the best players in the world, and I'd be very naive to think that I'm just going to come in here and contend again and have a chance to win.

"I know I'm going to have to play very well," he said. "And hopefully, I can do that."

Associated Press


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