Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gonorrhoea cases soar 25 percent in England as superbugs take hold

LONDON (Reuters) - Gonorrhoea cases have soared by 25 percent in the past year in England as superbug or drug-resistant strains of the sexually transmitted infection (STI) take hold worldwide, British health officials said on Wednesday.

Nearly 21,000 new cases had been diagnosed in 2011, with more than a third of cases in gay men and more than a third in people who have had gonorrhoea before, the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) said in a statement.

Effective treatment with antibiotics has been compromised by growing resistance, it said, noting "a drift towards decreased susceptibility" of gonorrhoea infections to drugs called cephalosporins which are normally recommended as treatment.

"We are seriously concerned about continuing high levels of gonorrhoea transmission and repeat infection," said Gwenda Hughes, the HPA's head of STI surveillance.

A strain of gonorrhoea that was resistant to all recommended antibiotics was found in Japan in 2008, scientists said in 2011. They warned then it could transform a once easily treatable infection into a global health threat.

Last year the World Health Organisation said cases of drug-resistant gonorrhoea had spread across the world.

Gonorrhoea is a bacterial STI which, if left untreated, can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirths and infertility in both men and women.

It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world and is most prevalent in south and southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. In the United States alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of cases is estimated at about 700,000 a year.

The emergence of superbugs has been driven by the overuse and misuse of antibiotics, which help fuel genetic mutations within the bacteria.

(Reporting by Kate Kelland; Editing by Louise Ireland)


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We're here to get a job?! | WOU student bloggers

Start here!

If only these start lines could be everywhere!

So, someone once told me that we?re supposed to be working toward getting a job while we?re here in college. This is a strange concept?this is also sarcasm that I?m dearly hoping you are understanding!

Yes, we all know that a job means that we get money and money means that we get to eat. Being in this stage in life can sometimes be very confusing and frustrating; we are impatient to reach our goals of graduation but we need to get past this in-between stage in our lives. Part of how we begin this transition into the infamous ?real world? is to look at what we are going to do after graduation. Will we go on to graduate school? Find a career with our degree? Both need one really stellar resume, that?s for sure!

Now, I fully admit that I got a bit big-headed about my resume writing skills. I am humbled to report that I am not the champion resume-writer. The wonderful people in the Service Learning and Career Development Office were wonderful and brought me down gently from my nest in the clouds. Apparently, I like to use words?and LOTS of them! Go figure!

Besides an ego check, I found out that the Service Learning and Career Development Center (SLCD) also does a ton of other things!! Here?s a list:

  1. Service Learning and Community?Service Information
  2. Career Coaching
  3. Recruitment Fairs
  4. ?Resume Workshops
  5. Interview Skills Workshops
  6. Mock Interviews
  7. Graduate School Speakers
  8. Law School Speakers
  9. ?International Career Panel
  10. Students In Service Education Award
  11. Job Search Techniques

Check out all the other stuff they do on their website:

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Contaminated diet contributes to phthalate and bisphenol A exposure

Contaminated diet contributes to phthalate and bisphenol A exposure [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Feb-2013
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Contact: Elizabeth Sharpe
University of Washington

Even organic foods not stored, prepared or cooked in plastic containers can contain these contaminants

While water bottles may tout BPA-free labels and personal care products declare phthalates not among their ingredients, these assurances may not be enough. According to a study published February 27 in the Nature Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, people may be exposed to these chemicals in their diets, even if their meals are organic and foods are prepared, cooked and stored in non-plastic containers. And children may be most vulnerable.

"Current information we give families may not be enough to reduce exposures," said Dr. Sheela Sathyanarayana, lead author on the study and an environmental health pediatrician in the University of Washington School of Public Health and at Seattle Children's Research Institute. She is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the UW School of Medicine and an attending physician at Harborview Medical Center's Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit.

Phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) are synthetic endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Previous studies have linked prenatal exposure to phthalates to abnormalities in the male reproductive system. Associations have also been shown between fetal exposure to BPA and hyperactivity, anxiety, and depression in girls.

The researchers compared the chemical exposures of 10 families, half who were given written instructions on how to reduce phthalate and BPA exposures, handouts developed by the national Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units, a network of experts on environmentally related health effects in children. For five days the other families received a local, fresh, organic food catered diet that was not prepared, cooked or stored in plastic containers

When the researchers tested the urinary concentrations of metabolites for phthalates and BPA, they got surprising results. The researchers expected the levels of the metabolities to decrease in those adults and children eating the catered diet.

Instead, the opposite happened. The urinary concentration for pthalates were 100-fold higher than the those levels found in the majority of the general population, The comparison comes from a study conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a program of studies managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States. The concentrations were also much higher for children as compared to the adults.

Then, the researchers tested the phthalate concentrations in the food ingredients used in the dietary intervention. Dairy productsbutter, cream, milk, and cheesehad concentrations above 440 nanograms/gram. Ground cinnamon and cayenne pepper had concentrations above 700 ng/g, and ground coriander had concentrations of 21,400 ng/g.

"We were extremely surprised to see these results. We expected the concentrations to decrease significantly for the kids and parents in the catered diet group. Chemical contamination of foods can lead to concentrations higher than deemed safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency," said Sathyanarayana.

Using the study results, the researchers estimated that the average child aged three to six years old was exposed to 183 milligrams per kilogram of their body weight per day. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's recommended limit is 20 mg/kg/day.

"It's difficult to control your exposure to these chemicals, even when you try," said Sathyanarayana. "We have very little control over what's in our food, including contaminants. Families can focus on buying fresh fruits and vegetables, foods that are not canned and are low in fat, but it may take new federal regulations to reduce exposures to these chemicals."


The other researchers in the study included Garry Alcedo (Seattle Children's Research Institute), Brian E. Saelens and Chuan Zhou (UW Department of Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Research Institute), Russell L. Dills and Jianbo Yu (UW Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences) and Bruce Lanphear (BC Children's Hospital and Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada).

The study was funded through the Center for Ecogenetics and Environmental Health in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences in the UW School of Public Health. A grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health provides major support for the center.

The paper is titlted, "Unexpected results in a randomized dietary trial to reduce phthalate and bisphenol A exposures."

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Contaminated diet contributes to phthalate and bisphenol A exposure [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Feb-2013
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Contact: Elizabeth Sharpe
University of Washington

Even organic foods not stored, prepared or cooked in plastic containers can contain these contaminants

While water bottles may tout BPA-free labels and personal care products declare phthalates not among their ingredients, these assurances may not be enough. According to a study published February 27 in the Nature Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, people may be exposed to these chemicals in their diets, even if their meals are organic and foods are prepared, cooked and stored in non-plastic containers. And children may be most vulnerable.

"Current information we give families may not be enough to reduce exposures," said Dr. Sheela Sathyanarayana, lead author on the study and an environmental health pediatrician in the University of Washington School of Public Health and at Seattle Children's Research Institute. She is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the UW School of Medicine and an attending physician at Harborview Medical Center's Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit.

Phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) are synthetic endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Previous studies have linked prenatal exposure to phthalates to abnormalities in the male reproductive system. Associations have also been shown between fetal exposure to BPA and hyperactivity, anxiety, and depression in girls.

The researchers compared the chemical exposures of 10 families, half who were given written instructions on how to reduce phthalate and BPA exposures, handouts developed by the national Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units, a network of experts on environmentally related health effects in children. For five days the other families received a local, fresh, organic food catered diet that was not prepared, cooked or stored in plastic containers

When the researchers tested the urinary concentrations of metabolites for phthalates and BPA, they got surprising results. The researchers expected the levels of the metabolities to decrease in those adults and children eating the catered diet.

Instead, the opposite happened. The urinary concentration for pthalates were 100-fold higher than the those levels found in the majority of the general population, The comparison comes from a study conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a program of studies managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States. The concentrations were also much higher for children as compared to the adults.

Then, the researchers tested the phthalate concentrations in the food ingredients used in the dietary intervention. Dairy productsbutter, cream, milk, and cheesehad concentrations above 440 nanograms/gram. Ground cinnamon and cayenne pepper had concentrations above 700 ng/g, and ground coriander had concentrations of 21,400 ng/g.

"We were extremely surprised to see these results. We expected the concentrations to decrease significantly for the kids and parents in the catered diet group. Chemical contamination of foods can lead to concentrations higher than deemed safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency," said Sathyanarayana.

Using the study results, the researchers estimated that the average child aged three to six years old was exposed to 183 milligrams per kilogram of their body weight per day. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's recommended limit is 20 mg/kg/day.

"It's difficult to control your exposure to these chemicals, even when you try," said Sathyanarayana. "We have very little control over what's in our food, including contaminants. Families can focus on buying fresh fruits and vegetables, foods that are not canned and are low in fat, but it may take new federal regulations to reduce exposures to these chemicals."


The other researchers in the study included Garry Alcedo (Seattle Children's Research Institute), Brian E. Saelens and Chuan Zhou (UW Department of Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Research Institute), Russell L. Dills and Jianbo Yu (UW Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences) and Bruce Lanphear (BC Children's Hospital and Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada).

The study was funded through the Center for Ecogenetics and Environmental Health in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences in the UW School of Public Health. A grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health provides major support for the center.

The paper is titlted, "Unexpected results in a randomized dietary trial to reduce phthalate and bisphenol A exposures."

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Simple method devised for determining atrial fibrillation risk in women

Feb. 26, 2013 ? Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of abnormal heart rhythm, affecting 2.5 million Americans. If left undetected or untreated, atrial fibrillation can lead to stroke. Determining who is at increased risk for atrial fibrillation has been difficult, especially among individuals without established heart disease. But now, researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital have devised and tested a simple atrial fibrillation risk prediction model, based on six easily obtained factors: a woman's age, height, weight, blood pressure, alcohol consumption and smoking history.

The model is published in the online edition of the European Heart Journal on February 26, 2013.

"The real strength of this model is its simplicity," said Brendan Everett, MD, the lead author of the study and a cardiologist at BWH. "Using this tool, we can estimate an otherwise healthy woman's risk of developing atrial fibrillation over the next 10 years. The tool only requires that a patient's health care provider know some basic information about the patient. There is no need for any advanced testing or additional cost in order to use the risk tool."

The risk prediction model was derived and tested in more than 20,000 middle aged women of European ancestry. Researchers found that the new model was significantly better at identifying women at increased risk for atrial fibrillation over the next 10 years than estimating a woman's risk of atrial fibrillation using her age alone.

"Nearly one in four women were reassigned to a more accurate atrial fibrillation risk category by using the new model," said Everett. "While specific interventions to lower a woman's risk of a first atrial fibrillation episode are still in development, this personalized information can help health care providers stress the importance of heart healthy behaviors, including weight loss and moderation of alcohol consumption."

The study also examined whether recently discovered genetic markers for atrial fibrillation risk improved researchers' ability to accurately predict a woman's risk for atrial fibrillation and indeed, the researchers found that a genetic risk score has potential to improve the ability to predict atrial fribrillation. However, Everett notes that while this information is scientifically interesting, more research on genetic testing is needed before this combination model can be recommended for use in the general public. Further research is also needed to determine if the study results would apply to men or a broader population of women.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Brendan M. Everett, Nancy R. Cook, David Conen, Daniel I. Chasman, Paul M. Ridker, and Christine M. Albert. Novel genetic markers improve measures of atrial fibrillation risk prediction. European Heart Journal, February 26, 2013 DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/eht033

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Israelis plan to press Obama to free convicted spy

FILE - In this Friday, May 15, 1998 file photo, Jonathan Pollard speaks during an interview in a conference room at the Federal Correction Institution in Butner, N.C. Israel's president Shimon Peres, backed by thousands of followers, is leading an all-out effort to press U.S. President Barack Obama during his upcoming visit to free convicted spy Pollard and end one of the most painful sagas between the two allies. (AP Photo/Karl DeBlaker, File)

FILE - In this Friday, May 15, 1998 file photo, Jonathan Pollard speaks during an interview in a conference room at the Federal Correction Institution in Butner, N.C. Israel's president Shimon Peres, backed by thousands of followers, is leading an all-out effort to press U.S. President Barack Obama during his upcoming visit to free convicted spy Pollard and end one of the most painful sagas between the two allies. (AP Photo/Karl DeBlaker, File)

(AP) ? Israel's Nobel-laureate president, backed by thousands of followers, is leading an effort to press President Barack Obama during his upcoming visit to free convicted spy Jonathan Pollard, ending one of the most painful episodes between the two allies.

Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 for passing classified material to Israel.

Pollard is said to be in poor health, and his case has become a rallying cry in Israel. Leaders routinely call for his release and say his 28 years in prison are excessive punishment. But stiff opposition from the American military and intelligence community has deterred a string of American presidents from releasing him.

Next month's visit by Obama, coupled with a perceived softening of the American stance, is raising hopes that Pollard, 58, may finally get his freedom.

More than 65,000 Israelis have signed a petition calling on Obama to free Pollard, the Facebook page of the U.S. embassy in Israel has been flooded with pardon requests and a nationwide campaign began Tuesday urging President Shimon Peres to push for Pollard's release. He quickly agreed.

In a video clip, Peres is shown receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Obama. The camera then pulls back, showing the wall of a prison cell with the following message: "Mr. President, please save me. J. Pollard."

Speaking to high school students Tuesday, Peres, who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, said he would try.

"I intend to raise the issue of Jonathan Pollard during my meeting with President Obama," he said. "(I) will do everything I can to convey this clear message: Jonathan Pollard must be released from prison on humanitarian grounds."

Pollard, a Jewish civilian intelligence analyst, was arrested by FBI agents in Washington in 1985 after unsuccessfully seeking refuge at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. He pleaded guilty to leaking classified documents to Israel and received a life sentence. He is eligible for parole in two years. With little time left on his sentence, Israelis believe it would pose little risk for Obama to free Pollard.

The Pollard affair is enmeshed in highly fraught issues. One is the very idea of spying against an ally ? especially a country's primary patron. Another is the delicate issue of suspected dual loyalties among American Jews, and their own concerns about being seen in such a light.

Once a niche cause of the Israeli religious right wing, the call for Pollard's freedom has now become a matter of consensus in Israel. A wide range of politicians, artists and Nobel Prize winners have embraced Pollard's cause. The influential writers A.B. Yehoshua and David Grossman ? leading voices of the Israeli peace camp ? and former President Yitzhak Navon are among the prominent names backing the calls for his release.

"Both he (Pollard) and Israel have repeatedly expressed remorse. We have learned our lesson and have been living with the painful consequences for nearly three decades," their petition reads. "It is our fervent hope and prayer that your upcoming trip to Israel will bring us the good news we have waited for, for so very long, and that this tragic and painful episode can finally be put to rest once and for all."

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said he plans to honor Pollard with the "Jerusalem Freedom Award," which represents "the goal of the Jewish people to be free in our land," according to the municipality.

White House officials say there is no change in policy and no plans to free Pollard.

Aaron David Miller, a former American Mideast peace envoy who served under six U.S. secretaries of state, said freedom seemed like a long shot.

"A Pollard release would certainly make Netanyahu's day," Miller said, but would risk angering many in Washington.

Advocates note that some of those convicted for spying for American enemies have served far shorter prison terms.

Even after all these years, many details of the case remain a mystery. Pollard delivered piles of documents to his handlers, and their full extent has never been disclosed.

Pollard's lawyer, Nitzana Darshan-Leitner, said the material had traditionally been shared with the Israelis. She said the information included details about Arab and Soviet military capabilities, and it helped Israel carry assassinate a senior PLO official in Tunisia in 1988.

Darshan-Leitner said Pollard suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney stones. "His medical condition is very precarious," she said.

A recently declassified 1987 CIA damage assessment concluded that Pollard did not spy against America. According to the version published in December by the National Security Archive, a George Washington University project, Pollard cooperated "in good faith" while in custody and his handlers' requests were limited to intelligence on the Pakistanis, Arab states and the Soviets.

Pollard was granted Israeli citizenship in the late 1990s during Netanyahu's first term. While Netanyahu was out of office, he visited Pollard in prison, Last year, Netanyahu made a formal appeal to the U.S. for his release and a personal plea to allow him to attend his father's funeral. The requests were denied.

For years, the Americans resisted an early release by saying it would harm national security. The stiff punishment was also seen as a deterrent to allies, warning them of the consequences of spying on American soil. But opposition has begun to crack, raising hopes that a breakthrough may be near.

Former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and George Schultz, along with Lawrence Korb, the assistant secretary of defense at the time, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, Sen. John McCain and former Vice President Dan Quayle have all called for Pollard's release in recent years.

Pollard's wife, Esther, said that given these developments, and the passage of time, the moment was ripe for Obama "to right this injustice."

"I pray that President Obama will respond without any further delay," she said in an email message.


AP International Political Writer Steven R. Hurst in Washington contributed.




Follow Heller on Twitter (at)aronhellerap.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Immigration reform would strain English schools

Students at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan speak into headsets as they practice their English. (Liz Goodwin/Yahoo??

The thorny topic of immigration reform has catapulted to the top of the to-do lists of both Republicans and Democrats, even as both sides continue to bicker over details. President Barack Obama and a bipartisan group of senators are eager to pass an immigration bill this year, with their main points of disagreement, deliberated in public and in private, centering around topics like border security, guest-worker programs and how long undocumented immigrants should have to wait before gaining citizenship.

There's one issue, however, both sides agree on: The nation?s 11 million illegal immigrants will need to know English before they can earn permanent legal status, commonly referred to as a green card. And therein lies a barely discussed problem with the potential to overwhelm states and put up a barrier to immigrants who want to legalize: The nation?s English as a Second Language system may not be up to the task.

Those familiar with the issue say the woefully underfunded adult ESL system would face challenges that could stretch it to its breaking point. They include the influx of millions of new students, a severe lack of clarity around funding, and the need for more flexible learning situations, as many immigrants?who often work several jobs?will find it difficult to attend classes.

The current ESL system is "cobbled together with toothpicks and Band-Aids,? said Paul Musselman, the president of Carnegie Speech, a virtual learning company that makes language software.

It would be ?insane? to require illegal immigrants to learn English, added Leslie Robbins, the executive director of Riverside Language Program in Manhattan, which teaches legal immigrants intensive English courses. For one, she noted, the system is already overloaded. "There's not enough funding currently to deal with the numbers of people who both need and want English-language instruction," she said.

And Margie McHugh, an expert on immigrant integration issues at the Migration Policy Institute think tank, noted that ?the idea that somehow the system could accommodate 11 million new people is beyond anyone?s imagination."

McHugh estimated that, without schooling, about 55 percent of undocumented immigrants wouldn?t be able to pass the English portion of the U.S. citizenship test?which requires someone to understand English phrases when spoken to slowly and with repetition?if it were given today. That means about 4 million to 5 million people could simultaneously need instruction under the immigration reform law.

Politicians want to add a stricter English requirement in the reform bill in part to make sure undocumented immigrants are integrating and able to succeed economically. Immigrants who speak English well earn on average between 10 and 24 percent more than immigrants who don't, according to several studies, which means providing effective English courses could have a huge economic impact for the country as a whole and immigrants themselves. (Legal immigrants to the U.S. are not required to learn English to gain a green card, but must pass an English test in order to become citizens.)

But the current system in place for teaching English to the nations? immigrants?state- and federally-funded classes provided by a patchwork of community colleges, public libraries and other community organizations?has been hit hard by state budget cuts since the recession began. Nationwide, 1.1 million people were enrolled in ESL courses in the 2006-2007 year, compared with just 730,000 people last academic year due to those cuts.

States may end up shouldering hefty costs associated with immigration reform if lawmakers don?t explicitly reimburse them in a bill. In 1986, Congress promised to reimburse state and local governments $4 billion in costs associated with the amnesty program, including providing adult ESL classes.

But even if the money's there, existing ESL classes on average have not proven to be all that effective at teaching its students English, in part because many immigrants don't have the time to attend classes frequently enough to make a difference.

Some techies as well as immigrant advocates, however, are hoping new language-learning software and online courses could help solve some of the issues, softening the blow to the ESL system if immigration reform passes.

?We need to get out there that there has to be a different way for people to learn English fast and with digital skills,? said Ada Williams Prince, the policy director for OneAmerica, a nonprofit immigration advocacy group. ?It?s not enough to sit people in an ESL class."

A handful of colleges and community organizations are already experimenting with lower-cost digital ESL classes that use free online language programs instead of costly textbooks. They also allow teachers to have larger classes or, in at least one case, remove the need for ESL-trained teachers altogether.

A Gates Foundation-funded pilot program in Washington state?with the help of OneAmerica?taught 250 immigrants English in a 13-week program last year using free language-learning software provided by Livemocha, a Rosetta Stone-like online tool. Students were each given a laptop with a permanent Internet connection and worked in class with the help of a tech coach, but no formally trained ESL teacher. They also spent hours of their own time using Livemocha at home, with the goal of learning both digital and English skills at once.

This fall, another online ESL pilot program funded with $3.5 million by the Gates Foundation will begin in 10 community colleges, also in Washington. The colleges, partnering with Livemocha, will create an interactive curriculum including video and text chatting with native English speakers as a way to improve conversational skills. Each student will be given a laptop or tablet, but this time they'll be assisted by trained ESL teachers and tech coaches in classrooms.

The colleges hope the program will eventually be cheaper than traditional ESL classes, despite the costs of computers. They also hope the digital approach will be more effective than their previous textbook-based ESL classes, which have had a dismal track record of moving students to higher levels of English.

?We don?t believe it is more expensive to put technology in the hands of students than it is to put really not very exciting books in the hands of students,? Kathy Cooper, a policy associate at the Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges, said.

These types of online language programs weren't available 25 years ago when Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which required the 2.7 million undocumented immigrants who were legalized under that law to enroll in at least 40 hours of English courses before obtaining green cards. No one knows how effective these courses were, because immigrants were not required to take a test at the end of them. But experts estimate it takes about 600 hours of instruction for someone to move from the bottom levels of English understanding to a conversational competence, which suggests 40 hours would not do much toward helping someone become fluent.

The Department of Education would have final say on which ESL classes are approved, but experts think it's possible it would approve online classes.

?I'm sure that if they go with a 40-hour seat time requirement that many people would try to come up with an online way for folks to fulfill that,? said the Migration Policy Institute's McHugh. She added that the Department of Education would have to create ?appropriate safeguards? to make sure the programs were high-quality.

Of course, the digital divide creates its own share of problems: Immigrants are far less likely than nonimmigrants in the U.S. to have access to a computer or Internet connection. (That wouldn?t be an issue if students are provided with computers as they are in the Gates-funded programs.)

Some in the ESL field also cautioned that digital-language programs may make instruction better and more efficient, but it will not replace the need for a qualified teacher and classroom.

"When we use technology it?s an enhancement, not a replacement,? said Helene Rubenstein, the coordinator for ESL programs at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan.

Whatever the solution, McHugh said she hopes Congress does not scrimp on funding. Good English classes, she noted, are necessary "if we really expect people to succeed in integrating or improving their long-term prospects of joining their mainstream workforce and community."


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VidIQ Raises $800,000 From Mark Cuban And Others To Give YouTube Producers Actionable Analytics

vidiq_logo_lightVidIQ hopes to provide a layer of analytics on YouTube as a way to help those who distribute their content on the platform ? be they brands, marketers, or independent producers ? to reach more viewers. Through a mix of YouTube SEO, smart scheduling and listening tools, VidIQ promises new ways for producers to optimize their distribution strategy.


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Ashley Giles eyeing the ICC Champions Trophy 2013 ? Cricket ...

Ashley Giles eyeing the ICC Champions Trophy 2013 ? Cricket News Update

Ashley Giles, England?s former cricketer and current limited-overs coach, has admitted that he will have to take some very strong decisions because of the options that are available to the England side in all departments of the game.

The former left-arm spinner took over the job during the recent tour of India as the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) wanted to release some burden off Andy Flower?s shoulders, who still coaches the Poms in Test cricket.

After losing the series against India, Alastair Cook and company have defeated New Zealand in the One Day International (ODI) series by a margin of 2-1.

England rested Jonathan Trott for the series against the Men in Blue; whereas, Kevin Pietersen was allowed to refresh himself during the limited-overs series against the Black Caps.

With the upcoming ICC Champions Trophy 2013 at home in mind, Giles understands that there is a fierce competition for places in the 50-overs format, especially with the emergence of Joe Root, the young right-hander, who has done exceedingly well in all formats since making his debut in India.

Ironically, Giles, who represented England between 1997 and 2006, has played alongside many current players as well. Some of the sporting pundits believe that it would be hard for the former left-arm spinner to make some harsh decisions. However, Giles claims to be very firm in his decision-making process.

?I have to be more ruthless as a coach,? Giles said. ?You are not being nasty, but you've got to make strong decisions. When you drop someone, you always look them in the eye. Sometimes it will fall to the captain, sometimes I might do it, but all you can do is to be honest. If your performance isn't good enough, I'm going to tell you.?

The former Warwickshire cricketer is keeping an eye on the forthcoming mega event at home soil and thinks that his side has a chance to make an impression.

?With the Champions Trophy being in English conditions we have the opportunity to do really well. I'll go away and look very closely at Australia, New Zealand and Sri Lanka, the other teams in our group,? he added.


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Brikk pushes solid-gold iPhone cases with philanthropic twist ...

Brikk solid gold iPhone case

High-end technology accessories maker Brikk is marketing solid-gold and platinum iPhone 5 cases to affluent consumers through a charity component.

The brand promises to donate more than?2,000 pounds of rice that will be distributed to various non-governmental organizations for each iPhone case purchased. Brikk?is also challenging other luxury brands to contribute to philanthropic organizations.

?We believe that all luxury brands should donate a decent percentage of their proceeds to charity,? said Cyrus Blacksmith, founder at Brikk, Los Angeles.

?We donate specifically to hunger in third-world countries where there are famines and large populations are dying because of food shortages regardless of whether the shortages are caused by climate or politics,? he said.

Philanthropic gold
Brikk is self-described as a maker of fine philanthropic goods. It was founded in 2009 on the premises that a portion of every purchase would go to help humanitarian aid.

Brikk?s new collection of iPhone 5 cases called ?Haven? offers four different models of luxury iPhone cases that are customizable.

Cases are available in pink gold, yellow gold, yellow gold satin matte and platinum polished.

Yellow gold polished case

Diamonds and other stones can be added to the cases.

Each gold case contains more than 75 grams of gold and the platinum case contains more than 100 grams of platinum.

The gold models are priced at $11,610 and the platinum model is $14,235.

The cases are sold through Brikk?s Etsy account. The brand also plans to sell the phone cases in select retailers in Singapore, Dubai, New York and London in the future.

Brikk has been pushing the new cases on its Facebook page, Twitter account, Etsy store and Web site.

Giving back
Many luxury brands make charitable donations or give back to the community in various ways.

For instance, U.S. apparel and accessories label Michael Kors upped its philanthropic portfolio through a long-term partnership with the United Nations? World Food Programme to help put an end to world hunger.

The brand is pushing the partnership and encouraging donations through a PSA that was released on its social media channels and its Destination Kors? Web site. The PSA includes messages from notable celebrities who support the cause including Bette Midler, Seth Myers, Olivia Munn, Patti Hansen and Karol?na Kurkov? (see story).

Also, Montblanc, a maker of writing instruments and watches, offered customers the chance to purchase a bracelet as a holiday gift for a parent of a cancer patient at the Texas Children?s Cancer Center. The bracelets were priced at $345 of which $50 goes directly to the center to support patient care and research (see story).

Brikk?s charitable donations come from every product that the brand offers.

?As luxury brands are high profit and have a clientele that pays for the quality and brand, we believe that luxury brands can increase their prices slightly to offset the charity, if required,? Mr. Blacksmith said.

Final take
Erin Shea, editorial assistant on Luxury Daily, New York?

Erin Shea is an editorial assistant on Luxury Daily. Her beats are automotive, consumer electronics, consumer packaged goods, financial services, media/publishing, software and technology, telecommunications, travel and hospitality, real estate, retail and sports. Reach her at

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Tags: Brikk, charity, Cyrus Blacksmith, iPhone, iPhone case, luxury, luxury marketing, Marketing, multichannel marketing, philanthropic. NGO, philanthropy, technology

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tax Refund Help : Personal Finance

A few grand for new shocks and springs in front, and 3 deteriorated motor mounts? (and you might not even need the new springs, just the shocks).

My guesstimates on car repairs are usually pretty close and I'd estimate: 600 for the front end, total including labor
$400 tops for replacing 3 motor mounts, labor included. that's 1,000 total, $1200 if you add in a labor fudge factor.

My guideline on a car is that it should cost $600 a year, on average, total. So, for $1000 worth of work, will your get $1000/600 years of one year, four months of driving out of it? .

I'd scope out the body and frame rust situation as well while making this decision. In other words, is it going to need major rust repair within the next two years? If so, rather than getting a new car, how about buying a newer used car for around $4000.

I'm just going to throw this out there as information, but I think those repair numbers are worth double and triple checking.

Fun fact: my last car needed bodywork for rust repair. The first shop I brought it to said it would cost "thousands of dollars." I knew that wasn't necessarily correct, I asked around for a good FRAME REPAIR shop. The customers who get frame repair on their cars are value conscious. Often people who use their vehicles hard for moving physical loads and don't necessarily fret about looks or the fact that their vehicle is 20 years old, as long as it runs well.
I found the frame repair shop, and they did the whole job excellently for $400. CASH. Versus the multiple thousands the "consumer repair-oriented insurance payment shop" (what I call them) would have charged.

As a disclaimer, I've never spent more than 3200 for a car, and my current vehicle, a '93 Escort stick, 167K miles,cost me $900 cash. It was this guy's daughter's car that was a gift from relatives in WA state, has no body or frame rust, and she just couldn't afford to keep a car and go to college at the same time. All I've had to put on it is some snow tires, and now some brake pads and spark plugs.

So i'm biased towards repairing the older vehicles. But financially it has always worked out for me as well. Thing is,though, I know vehicles pretty well, but if that's not your skill you may feel less confident.

At this point in time, with somewhat significant repair costs pending, it may be worth comparing total cost of ownership of this versus another car, particularly if there's a chance or reducing cost of ownership through fuel efficiency as well (If your current car gets less than say 33 MPG.) I'd suggest including the cost of gas for your current and propsective vehicles and how that affects things over, say, a five year period. Not just focusing on a monthly payment, though that's important, but also looking at gas expenses and interest expenses. Also put in the expected resale value of the vehicle so you get a full treatment of the cost of owning it.

For people on a tight finances, i would suggest buying used from a private party, and cash, IF they also know enough about cars to be confident.


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Fire leaves Carnival cruise ship adrift in Gulf of Mexico

A voyage on the Carnival Triumph has ended less than triumphantly, with the cruise ship waiting to be towed to port after a fire in the engine room left it drifting in the Gulf of Mexico.

The fire broke out Sunday morning as the Triumph -- with 3,143 passengers and 1,086 crew members on board -- was sailing about 150 miles off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Carnival Cruise Lines said in a statement.

The flames were put out without any injuries to passengers or crew, but the incident left the ship without propulsion and operating on emergency generator power. Efforts were under way to make conditions less miserable for the passengers.

?Currently, public and cabin toilets are operational in certain sections of the ship, power has been restored to a limited number of elevators, and some power in the Lido dining area is providing for hot coffee and limited hot food service,? Carnival said.

?Guests have been supplied with food and refreshments throughout yesterday and this morning and the ship has supplies on board to last until the vessel returns to port.?

Some passengers have started to grumble about the new realities on board, with one man telling that his wife reported standing in line for more than two hours to get hamburgers and salad.

Two tugboats are en route to the ship and will tow it to Progreso, Mexico, the closest port to the Carnival Triumph?s current location. The ship is expected to arrive there late Wednesday and passengers will be flown back to the U.S. on chartered planes, Carnival said.

Another one of the company?s ships, the Carnival Elation, was dispatched to the scene and has been delivering ?additional food and beverage provisions? to the Triumph. The company's Carnival Legend ship will also help out Monday afternoon. Additionally, the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Vigorous is also on site, communicating with the ship and on standby in case it needs any assistance.

"We don?t really anticipate them needing any help," said Petty Officer 3rd Class Richard Brahm, a spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard, adding that there doesn't appear to be any danger to anyone on board the Triumph.

"Nothing bad has happened to the ship ... we?ll follow them all the way in and that will pretty much end it for the Coast Guard."

The ship left Galveston, Texas, on Thursday, and was scheduled to return on Monday. Passengers will receive a full refund and a future cruise credit, Carnival said.

The ship?s next two voyages, scheduled to depart Monday and Saturday, have been canceled. Passengers scheduled to sail on either of those voyages will receive a full refund and a discount on a future cruise.

The incident comes more than two years after another Carnival ship, the Splendor, was crippled at sea by a fire in the engine room.

But the current mishap is "a little bit less complicated" because the Triumph is much closer to shore than the Splendor was at the time of its accident, said Carolyn Spencer Brown, editor in chief of

The fact that two Carnival ships have had such similar problems gave her pause, but it didn't make her question the cruise line, she added.

"It?s just unfortunate," Brown said. "Carnival is known for taking safety, security and maintenance very, very seriously ... certainly, ships have mechanical issues."

The incident likely will not put people off from booking a cruise,Brown said,noting that things can go wrong on vacation, whether someone is at sea or on land.


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James scores 32 more, Heat top Lakers 107-97

MIAMI (AP) ? LeBron James ran a few steps behind the play, knowing exactly what was coming. The lob from Norris Cole arrived, and the NBA's reigning MVP rose for a catch and dunk.

He made it look easy.

He's making everything look easy right now.

James scored 32 points on 12-for-18 shooting in a record-setting show, Dwyane Wade scored 30 and the Miami Heat beat the Los Angeles Lakers 107-97 on Sunday for their fifth straight win.

It was James' fifth straight game with at least 30 points, a franchise record. He also joined Adrian Dantley (1979) and Moses Malone (1982) as the only NBA players to score at least 30 and shoot at least 60 percent in five straight outings, the team said.

"Don't take it for granted," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. "He's making greatness look easy."

Mario Chalmers scored 13 and Chris Bosh finished with 12 points and 11 rebounds for the Heat.

Kobe Bryant had 28 points and nine assists for the Lakers, who also got 18 points from Earl Clark. The Lakers had eight turnovers in the fourth quarter, while Miami had none.

"Turnovers," lamented Lakers coach Mike D'Antoni. "You have to give them credit. They're good."

With the win, Miami moved 2? games clear of the New York Knicks in the Eastern Conference standings. The Knicks lost to the Los Angeles Clippers earlier Sunday.

Dwight Howard and Steve Nash each scored 15 for the Lakers.

"They have a couple of sensational players over there that made some big plays," Bryant said.

Indeed, James and Wade stole the show down the stretch.

Wade also shot 12 for 18 for Miami, which shot 55 percent as a team and held a 38-29 edge in rebounding. James scored 20 in the second half and Wade had 18 in the final two quarters, but the defending NBA champions weren't able to pull away until the final minutes.

Wade had five straight points for Miami, the last of them coming with 7:15 left when his three-point play put the Heat up 89-82 ? at that point, their biggest lead of the day.

A minute later, Wade started what might have been Miami's signature sequence of the game.

He stepped in front of a pass by Bryant under the basket, then flipped it to Bosh before falling out of bounds. Bosh got the ball to Cole, who beat Nash down the court, then lobbed a pass over his head to James, who soared for a slam that gave the Heat a seven-point lead once again.

"You could feel the buzz in the arena today," James said. "We were just happy that we were able to play our game, weather some of their storms that they had and come out with a win."

With 3:25 left, James turned in another highlight.

He stole a pass, drove down the court and Nash ? who found himself in the lane against a fast-charging James plenty of times Sunday, all to no avail ? simply had no chance.

It was almost as if Nash wasn't even in James' field of vision. He leaped for a dunk, giving him 30 points and the franchise record, and Miami's lead was nine. Bryant scored on the next Lakers possession, but Shane Battier hit a 3-pointer with 2:42 left to put Miami up 100-90 for the first double-digit lead for either team all day.

That was the last gasp for the Lakers, who finished their road trip at 4-3.

"We had our chances, but we weren't good enough tonight," Nash said. "We had too many breakdowns and we had opportunities to stretch the lead at times in the game and we couldn't do that either so probably in the end we didn't deserve it."

The teams finished the first half tied at 53, and the third period didn't allow either team much in the way of breathing room either, until the final seconds.

That's when James started flexing some muscle.

James scored Miami's last 11 points of the third, all in the final 4:20, and four of those came in the last six seconds. He was fouled by Clark and made the first free throw. Then the second attempt was tipped back out by Battier to James, who was just beyond the 3-point line. He connected from there, and the Heat took a 78-73 lead into the fourth.

It took a few more minutes, but eventually James and Wade helped Miami put it away.

"D-Wade came and he just started cooking in the fourth quarter," Bryant said. "He started doing what D-Wade does and made sensational play after sensational play."

Rapper Lil Wayne ? a semi-regular in the crowd at Heat games ? was there for the first half, then tweeted that he was ejected for rooting for the Lakers. Security personnel were seen talking to the rapper at halftime, and a Heat spokesman said after the game that he chose to leave on his own and was not ejected.

NOTES: The Heat have now won six of their last seven games against the Lakers. ... James made his first five shots, which left him at 42 for his last 52 attempts from the floor to that point, a ridiculous 81-percent clip. ... Bryant had five assists in the first quarter, tying a season best. ... Celebrities in attendance included Miami Hurricanes coach Jim Larranaga, pro golfer Justin Rose and Donald Trump. ... LSU football coach Les Miles live-tweeted the game, noting that James is "more athletic in person."


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Monday, February 11, 2013

Grammy Awards 2013 ads see Google and Microsoft go head-to... foot (video)

Grammy Awards 2013 ads see Google and Microsoft go headto foot video

This year's Grammy Awards weren't as packed with gadget advertising -- gadvertising* -- as the Super Bowl, but Microsoft and Google still coughed up to hawk their wares. The former wanted to demonstrate the productivity chops of the Surface Pro with a commercial that implies the device will cause your employees to breakdance involuntarily. Google, on the other hand, wanted to show off the powers of the Nexus 4 and Google Now to help you distinguish between fish and vegetables, in case the smell isn't enough. Curious to know more? We've stashed the clips after the break.

* A term we just invented. Hollywood, call us.

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Legends Blade - Questions and reservations.

Legends Blade

Ikebukuro is a place that has always been captured by gang violence, so much so that it is viewed as a normal part of day to day life here. The "Urban Legends" are viewed as normal too...


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Its all what it says on the tin guys~

Last edited by LunaSpirit on Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi LunaSpirit!

Question: Do you take reservations? If so, I'd love to reserve one of the Legends. If there's anything specific I should know before creating one, I'd love to hear from you. Otherwise, I'll get to work ASAP.


"Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it."
-Lloyd Alexander

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Could I please reserve the role of one of the lieutenant roles for The Mayhem gang ?
If there's any specific details about the character info let me know! Like do they carry weapons, is there a certain gender? Any specific images?

Last edited by pepperx3 on Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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@Ion and Pepper

Sure thing~ :3 Thanks for taking interest here!

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I would like to reserve a lieutenant for The Shards.

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