Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fake Facebook Engagements - Fratching!

I really thought people had gotten over this a few years ago, but every so often it will show up in my newsfeed. One of my facebook friends is engaged to someone else. However there is always something off about it. Like no indication of a boyfriend or girlfriend, but suddenly the person is engaged. OR they are supposedly of one sexual preference but their choice in fiancees is the opposite. I.E. Straight girl and another girl, or gay guy and a girl, etc.

Now maybe the person just didn't want to advertise their whole relationship, or the change in preference is a one off thing. However, it just doesn't seem that way.

The latest incident is a girl who for all intents and purposes I thought was straight. Who's preferences on facebook say she likes men. However, she is now apparently engaged to a girl we both went to school with. A girl that I am also rather sure is straight. However, there is an engagement ring being flaunted in photos. Then again, there are posts on the wall like "As your best friend I swear to always pretend to be your lesbian lover." and other such things. So I am 80% sure that it is just a joke, or a way for them to prevent getting hit on at bars, but 20% of me wonders if it's real. Though, again, a lot of girls from back home joke around about being in relationships with other girls, when they are 100% straight. It's very confusing.

So I don't know how to respond. I don't want to laugh it off like a joke, only to find out it's real. Then, on the other hand, if I offer serious heartfelt congratulations she and many people from back home might get super offended that I took the whole thing seriously. I have considered just unfriending her, but I don't want it to look homophobic or something.

Honestly, if you don't want people to think something about you, maybe don't post it on facebook. I know the best thing to do is ignore it, but it's so annoying. How are you supposed to stay connected with people if others keep making up BS news. So confusing and annoying.

Update I checked with a mutual friend and she confirmed it was a joke. I am officially pissed off.

Last edited by hinakiba777; 01-19-2013 at 08:44 AM.


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